The Best Coworking Spaces in India to work from

Coworking spaces are becoming more and more popular in India. They offer a great alternative to traditional office space, allowing you to work alongside your peers and access some of the benefits of being an employee.

Photo by myHQ Workspaces / Unsplash

Here's our list of the best coworking spaces in India today:

A coworking space allows you to work independently, meet other entrepreneurs and develop relationships. Coworking spaces exist in many markets worldwide, and India is no exception. You will find that there are plenty of great options for you to choose from when looking for a coworking space in India:

  • Big cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi have plenty of coworking spaces with different amenities depending on what you need or want from your workspace
  • Smaller towns also have coworking spaces, which offer cheaper rates than bigger cities but still provide all the same features.

1. 91springboard, Mumbai

91springboard is a coworking space in Mumbai, India. It has a great location and community of entrepreneurs who work hard to make it one of the best places to be if you're looking for a place where you can build relationships with coworkers and have an environment full of people who want to help each other out.

2. WeWork, Bangalore

WeWork is a global network of workspaces where entrepreneurs and small businesses can grow. They have over 200 coworking locations in over 50 cities worldwide, with a wide range of coworking spaces from shared desks to private offices.

WeWork has been instrumental in helping startups grow by providing them with tools that help them manage their business more efficiently while also giving them office space they can afford.

3. Cowrks, Bangalore

Cowrks is a coworking space in Bangalore, India. The community of entrepreneurs and startups at Cowrks has grown to include freelancers and remote workers.

4. Innov8 Coworking, Bangalore

Innov8 Coworking is a premium coworking space in Bangalore. It's located in the city's heart and has an amazing workspace, so you can get work done without ever leaving your desk. The atmosphere is friendly and professional—you'll feel right at home!

Our architect partner Ramesh Rajan designed the space and helped us create all our other projects. He did a great job creating something beautiful and modern while maintaining an authentic Indian look that we love so much about this city (and country).

5. BHIVE Workspace, Hyderabad

BHIVE Workspace is a coworking space in Hyderabad, India. It is India's first startup incubation hub that focuses on building and supporting startups. The workspace has a cafe, conference room, boardroom, and open office spaces for freelancers. They also have an accelerator program called BHIVE Accelerator which helps startups with growth hacking as well as access to mentors and investors from different industries like technology and business services etc.,

6. InstaOffice, Bangalore

  • Instaoffice is a coworking space in Bangalore, India.
  • It is a place where you can work and meet like-minded individuals to collaborate on projects of your own or those of others.
  • The location has easy access to public transport, making it easy for you to get around town.
  • There are frequent events at InstaOffice that allow you to meet other people who share similar interests and passions as yourself!

7. Regus Coworking, Mumbai

Regus is a global provider of workspace solutions. It operates over 1,500 offices in over 50 countries and has over 5 million members worldwide.

8. BiggBang Coworking, Mohali

This coworking space is located in the heart of Mohali, Chandigarh, and offers a variety of services to its members. Members can use the shared kitchen, conference room, and lounge area to host meetings or get inspired by their colleagues' workspaces.


There are a lot of coworking spaces in India, and it is easy to find one that meets your needs. Coworking spaces provide Coworking and office space for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, and other businesses.

They also offer services such as regular meetings and events for team collaboration. Some of these coworking spaces have their own offices, while others offer virtual office space or virtual desktops with software like Google Docs or Microsoft Office 365.

You can also get access to shared conference rooms as well as printers and copiers, so you don't need to bring all this stuff with you when going out into the world alone :)

Want to suggest a coworking space for this list? Please email us at