AarogyaAI - AI-powered MedTech Company, India

The Company in 3 lines

  1. AarogyaAI offers timely detection of DR-TB, allowing patients to be prescribed the most effective drug combinations for treatment.
  2. The tests are performed to identify the drugs and evaluate whether or not they will work on the patient. It aims to provide affordable services in all remote locations.
  3. AarogyaAI is also working on testing for other anti-microbial diseases like cholera, which we will see in the company's next phase.

Quick Information

Website: Click here

Social Media Profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin

Headquarters: Bangalore, India

Business Model: D2C

Founding Year: 2019

Number of Employees: 1-10

Core Team Members: Avlokita Tiwari, Praapti Jayaswal (founders)

Revenue Streams: Treatments, Diagnosis, Patients

Target Market: Remote Locations, Medical Facilities, Patients

Basic Information

Dr. Praapti and Avolkita founded AarogyaAI in 2019. It is headquartered in Banglore. The idea arose from a chaotic system in which the prescription of TB treatment is highly experimental.

There are no techniques for quickly or effectively diagnosing drug-resistant TB. Aarogya AI seeks to identify drug-resistant tuberculosis in a matter of hours. To assist the patient in receiving effective, immediate treatment.

It uploads the patient's DNA sequence to the SaaS. Its machine-learning algorithm then creates a report describing the patient's overall medication resistance status.