Hoga Toga - Online Media Company, India

The Company in 3 lines

  1. Hoga Toga offers the latest in tech news and high-quality video content 📹 for a variety of industries, including technology, business, finance, entertainment, health & wellness🧘‍♀️ , lifestyle, sports and more 😎
  2. Keep up with the ever-evolving world of technology through their comprehensive coverage 🔥
  3. Viewers can quickly access insights from professionals across various fields 👨‍💻 to stay updated on the newest trends and developments ⚡

Quick Information

  • Website: Click here
  • Social Media Profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin
  • Headquarters:  Mumbai, India
  • Business Model: B2C
  • Founding Year: 2017
  • Number of Employees: N/A
  • Core Team Members: Md Sitare (Founder & CEO)
  • Revenue Streams: Advertising, Subscription-based services, Merchandise sales
  • Target Market: Technology enthusiasts and business professionals

Basic Information

Hoga Toga is an online media company that covers technology news and produces high-quality videos. Founded in 2017 by Md Sitare, Hoga Toga has become one of the leading sources for tech enthusiasts and business professionals to stay up-to-date on all the latest news, trends, and developments.

The team at Hoga Toga offers comprehensive coverage of various industries like finance 💵 , entertainment 🎭 , health & wellness🧘‍♀️ , lifestyle 🌈 , sports ⚽️, and more. Their content ranges from reviews ✅ to interviews 👩‍💼 with industry leaders, as well as insights into new technologies ☁️. In addition to delivering their content through their website hogatoga.com, they also have a presence on social media platforms such as Instagram 📸, Twitter 🐦 and YouTube📹 . Viewers can quickly access high-quality video content through these channels, which is why it's been so successful.

Their revenue streams include advertising ✔️ subscription-based services ❤️and merchandise sales 😊 . This allows them to continue offering valuable information while growing brand recognition across multiple platforms. The Company continues its mission to be a go-to source for tech news and insights, providing viewers with the information they need to stay informed and ahead of the curve. 🤝