How to cancel an order on Meesho - Explained

From the customer's perspective, it is a place to find products from different brands and purchase them at a lower cost than in the physical store. Customers can also earn rewards through the platform by creating an account and purchasing.

In this article, I'll explain how to cancel the order on meesho.

With the Meesho app, you can cancel your order at any time. If the delivery is taking longer than expected or you've changed your mind about the product, tap "Cancel Order" from within the app and confirm this by entering your email address and phone number.

The cancellation process will automatically complete, so you won't have to worry about it anymore!

If your customer has placed an order on meesho and you want to cancel the particular order, then first open the app and look for the order in either of the two sections, 'My Orders' or 'Awaiting Approval.'

If you see any other tab than 'My Orders' or 'Awaiting approval,' then click on it and open that particular tab. You will find your recently placed orders with timestamps showing when they were placed or received by you and their status (pending approval/approval). You should also get notifications from time to time about new orders being received by you through different channels like social media networks, SMS, etc., which lets you know about our customers' satisfaction levels with you!

Open the meesho app and click on the My orders or Awaiting approval section.

If you are not able to open the order, try this:

Select the particular order that you want to cancel.

Now in the Order Details screen, click on the Cancel Order button at the bottom right corner.

You can also cancel the order from the Order History screen by following these steps:

  • Tap on the My Orders option from your Meesho app's main menu bar;
  • Select a particular order from the list of orders;
  • Tap on the Details option at the top right corner of that particular order's details page;

It will ask you to provide reasons for canceling the particular order; select the reason from the dropdown and click on the Done option at the top right corner of the screen.

If you want to cancel an order because it is not your style or doesn't fit your lifestyle, select "Unsatisfied with Product" as your reason for cancellation.


I hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments below.