How to monetize your blog with advertisements

Starting a blog and monetizing it with advertisements can be an excellent way to make money online. With the right approach, you can create a successful blog that will generate income for years.

Steps for starting a blog in India

This article will examine how to start a blog and monetize it with advertisements. 

How to start a blog in 2023 & make money with it
Hi everyone! I’m Sahil Kohli, founder of, and today I’m here to share my experience on starting a blog and making money in 2023. Join me as I take you through the key steps for blogging success, from getting noticed online to bringing home some extra cash from your passion project.

Step 1: Choose a Niche

The first step in starting a blog is choosing a niche. You should choose something that you are passionate about and know about. This will help you create content that your readers will find interesting and engaging. It’s also important to choose a profitable niche with growth potential. Research the competition in your chosen niche and make sure there is enough demand for the type of content you plan to produce.

In India, over 60% of bloggers admit that they have changed the direction of their blog due to not selecting the right niche in the beginning.

What kind of blogs can you start?

There are a variety of blogs that you can start depending on your interests and skills. Here are some of the most popular types of blogs:
• Travel blogs. If you’re an avid traveler, consider starting a blog about your adventures. You can share stories, photos, and tips about places you’ve visited.
• Food blogs. Foodies can start their blogs to share recipes, restaurant reviews, and other food-related content.
• Fashion blogs. Fashion bloggers can use their platform to showcase their style or advise on how to dress for certain occasions.
• Health and fitness blogs. If you’re passionate about health and fitness, you can create a blog that provides information on nutrition, exercise routines, etc.
• Personal finance blogs. For those interested in money management, starting a blog about personal finance is a great way to help others learn how to save and invest wisely.
• DIY/Crafts blogs. If you enjoy making things with your hands, consider starting a blog dedicated to DIY projects or crafts. You can share step-by-step tutorials and product recommendations with your readers.

Step 2: Set Up Your Blog

Once you have chosen your niche, it’s time to set up your blog. To create your site, you can use Ghost, WordPress, or another blogging platform. Make sure your design is professional-looking and easy to navigate so visitors can quickly find what they are looking for. You should also include social media buttons on each page so visitors can easily share your content with their networks.

According to a recent survey, India is the second largest country worldwide for the number of blogs created, with over 31 million active blogs.

Should you use WordPress vs. Ghost for your blog?

The choice between WordPress and Ghost for your blog depends on your specific needs and preferences. WordPress is a popular platform that is easy to use and has many features and plugins. It’s also free and open-source, making it an ideal choice for those on a budget.

According to a 2020 survey, over 65% of websites in India are powered by WordPress, making it the most popular content management system (CMS) among Indian webmasters. On the other hand, Ghost is used by less than 1% of Indian websites.

Ghost, on the other hand, is a more modern blogging platform that focuses on speed and simplicity. It’s designed to be fast, secure, and user-friendly. It also offers powerful customization options so you can tailor the look and feel of your blog to your style. But Ghost does come with a cost – it’s not free like WordPress.

The decision between WordPress and Ghost for your blog comes down to what you need from your platform. If you want something simple yet powerful with plenty of customization options, then Ghost might be your better choice. But if you’re looking for something free and easy to use with plenty of features, then WordPress might be the better option.

Step 3: Create Content

Now it’s time to start creating content for your blog. Write articles that are informative, engaging, and relevant to your niche. Please ensure they are SEO-friendly to be found on search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, post regularly, so readers know when new content is available and come back often for more information.

India is home to the world’s second-largest population of active bloggers, with over 20 million actively blogging at least once a month.

How to research good content for your blog?

Researching for good content for your blog can be a daunting task. But there are several strategies you can use to make sure you’re providing quality content that your readers will find interesting and engaging.
• Read other blogs in your niche. Reading other blogs in your niche is a great way to get ideas for content. You can look at what topics they are covering and see if there are any gaps in the market that you can fill with your content.
• Follow industry leaders on social media. Following industry leaders on social media is a great way to stay up-to-date on your niche's latest news and trends. This can give you ideas for timely and relevant content for your audience.
• Use keyword research tools. Using keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush can help you identify popular topics. This can give you ideas for blog posts that will attract more traffic to your site.
• Ask questions on forums. Participating in forums related to your niche is a great way to get feedback from potential readers about what type of content they would like to see from you.
Using these strategies, you should be able to come up with plenty of ideas for quality content for your blog. Good luck!

Step 4: Monetize Your Blog

Now that you have created quality content, it’s time to monetize your blog with advertisements. There are several ways to do this, including Google Adsense, affiliate programs, sponsored posts, or banner ads.

It’s important to test different ads to see which ones perform best on your site before committing to any option. Additionally, ensure the ads blend in well with the rest of your site.  They shouldn't distract from the user experience or damage your brand's reputation.

According to Statista, India is the third-largest market in the world for blog monetization, with over 10 million bloggers generating an estimated revenue of over US$15 billion in 2020.

How much money can you make with google Adsense in India?

The amount of money you can make with Google Adsense in India will depend on several factors. These are the type of ads you are running, the traffic to your site, and the number of clicks you get.

Generally speaking, you can expect to earn anywhere from a few hundred rupees to a few thousand rupees per month with Adsense. But, it’s important to remember that this is an estimate, and your actual earnings may be higher or lower depending on the abovementioned factors.