Netflix introduces its ad-supported basic subscription in India.

When Netflix launched its ad-supported basic subscription plan in India earlier this year, it was just a trial run. But now it's becoming an actual offering and has been priced at Rs. 199 a month, which is significantly lower than what you'd pay for the cheapest plan in the U.S., where it costs $7.99 per month for streaming on two devices at once (or $1 less if you select Ultra HD).

The company hasn't announced plans to expand into other countries yet, but if this one succeeds, then maybe that will happen soon enough.

Netflix announced today that it had launched its basic subscription plan in India, which will be priced at Rs. 199 a month.

This is the first time that Netflix has launched an ad-supported plan in the country.

The new offer allows users to watch as much content as they want, with no ads interrupting their viewing experience and at no extra cost beyond what they already pay for their monthly subscription fee of Rs. 499 per month (or Rs. 1,000 if you opt for premium). However, it does not allow streaming on TVs or tablets since those devices don’t support HD streams yet (you can only stream Standard Definition content on them).

The ad-supported basic plan will let users watch content on a mobile or tablet, but they won't be able to see it on a TV.

The new offering will let users watch content on a mobile or tablet, but they won't be able to see it on a TV.

Users can only watch on one screen at a time—so if they want to watch something while they're out of the house or are cooking dinner, they'll need another device handy (like an iPhone). And even though this plan allows people who don't have access to high-definition video services like Netflix's own streaming service (Netflix Premium) some kind of way to access shows and movies online without having any monthly fees attached to them; those same shows will not be in HD quality since there are no plans available for higher resolution formats yet.

You'll have to upgrade to one of Netflix's three paid plans for viewing on the big screen. The lowest-priced plan is priced at Rs. 499 and doesn't let users watch shows on multiple devices.

The second-lowest priced plan lets users stream shows on two devices simultaneously (and only in India). In contrast, the highest-priced subscription lets you stream shows on four simultaneously—but only if they're all connected through Wi-Fi or wired broadband connections that support HD video streaming over those networks.

The Rs. 649 plan lets you stream on two devices simultaneously, and the Rs. 799 lets you stream on four devices simultaneously. You can also get a family streaming plan that goes up to Rs. 1,549 monthly and supports up to four screens simultaneously in Ultra HD quality.

Netflix already offers a $9.99 plan that lets you stream on two devices simultaneously, so the Rs. 649 ($11) plan is a nice step up in terms of quality and number of devices at once. The Rs. 799 ($12) family plan is even better, as it allows up to four screens at once in Ultra HD quality—that's more than double the resolution of standard definition video!

It's important to note that these plans will only work with Netflix's native apps on web browsers or mobile devices (not browsers or mobile apps). Suppose you want to access your TV screen using an Apple TV or Chromecast device like Google’s Chromecast-connected HDMI dongle. In that case, you'll need either an Apple TV set-top box or Roku 3 box instead—and vice versa if you have an Android device and want access through Chrome OS instead of Safari browser.


I think this is a very smart move on Netflix's part. They're experimenting with new pricing models and expanding to new markets, which is great for consumers. It also means they'll have more content on their India platform when it launches later this year!