What is a Web3 Browser? How to use it?

A Web3 browser is an essential part of the upcoming wave of web applications, allowing users to access multiple blockchains and run decentralized applications without downloading anything.

What is a Web3 Browser?

A Web3 browser is a web browser that supports the Web3 API. A Web3 browser allows you to access decentralized applications (DApps) and the Ethereum blockchain, built on this open-source technology.

How to use it?

To use this application, you will need to:

  • Install the web3 browser on your machine
  • Connect it to your node (if you don't know what a node is, just Google it)
  • Use it to access decentralized applications that run on the blockchain and allow users to interact with them in real time via their web browser (e.g., STORM or Augur)

Why do we need a Web3 browser?

The reason why we need a Web3 browser is simple: it allows you to interact with dApps. A decentralized application (dApp) is an application that runs on top of a blockchain and doesn't need any central authority. In other words, its transactions are transparent, secure, and decentralized.

A Web3 browser allows you to interact with dApps without downloading them or using any other tool like MetaMask or Metamask. This means that even beginners can now easily access all kinds of decentralized applications from their smartphone or computer using just one plugin in Chrome/Chrome OS/Firefox/Safari etc., without having any technical knowledge about how things work behind the scenes!

Mist Browser

Mist is a full-featured Ethereum wallet that allows you to make and receive transactions, check your account balance, and send ether to others. It’s compatible with both macOS and Windows operating systems.

Mist also acts as a decentralized application (dapp) browser, allowing you to interact with dapps on the Ethereum network by simply entering their address or interacting with smart contracts through your browser. This can include sending funds using Metamask (which we will discuss later in this guide), interacting with decentralized exchanges like Ethfinex or 0x Asset Exchange built on top of Ethereum blockchain technology, and more!

The one downside is that it’s only available for Chrome browsers at this time, so if you aren't already using Google's browser, then there may be some limitations when trying out new features such as sending/receiving payments via DApps like CryptoKitties or playing games such as CryptoPunks which require being able to connect directly through MetaMask instead of having access via other browsers such as Firefox or Brave Web Browser Extension.

Metamask Browser

Metamask is another browser for decentralized applications and web3.0, the second generation of the Internet. The main purpose of Metamask is to provide users with an easy way to access their accounts from any device without leaving their browser or app open on another screen. It also allows them to manage their private keys in one place, making it easier for users who have lost or forgotten them before (or even after).

Metamask is a browser extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. It is also available as a mobile app for Android and iOS devices.

Using NFT Domains with Web3 Browsers

To use NFT Domains, you'll need a Web3 browser. There are several different types of wallets that support the Ethereum network, but only some of them can be used with a Web3 browser.

  • MetaMask (Chrome Extension)
  • Metamask (Desktop App)

Both of these websites allow you to access your wallet on the web and interact with smart contracts in the same way as if they were downloaded onto your computer or mobile device.


Now that we have covered what Web3 is and how to use it, let’s look at the next step: why do we need a Web3 browser? The answer is simple: there are still many parts of our daily lives that aren’t on the blockchain yet. We can imagine that in the future, web browsers will be involved in new kinds of transactions (e.g., making P2P payments), but right now, they aren’t built for such tasks. The main reason browsers are needed today is that they allow us to access websites and services easily, making sense for them to become part of this new technology!