AQI: Google launches Air Quality Index Updates on Discover

AQI: Google launches Air Quality Index Updates on Discover

AQI by Google; Image Source: (0)

Google launched a new real-time air quality index feature for both iOS and Android devices. AQI by Google features a colour-coded dot denoting the air quality condition which can be accessed in a single tap. It is currently restricted in functionality but shall grow in time.

AQI: Google launches Air Quality Index Updates on Discover

AQI by Google; Image Source: (0)

Table of contents

Google is actively encouraging initiatives to raise awareness about harsh weather conditions, and this step of offering a real-time Air Quality Index certainly puts it ahead of the competition. This feature is currently being tested on the Google Discover platform and will be available to Android and iPhone users in the near future.

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What is AQI by Google?

AQI by Google allows users to obtain real-time air quality data for their specific regions. It is available in the Discover section on a card beneath the search tab. Android users can access it by swiping right on their home screen while iOS users will have to download the Google app. 

Google now allows users to customise their Discover card settings to start receiving updates on a variety of topics:

  • Sports
  • Weather
  • AQI Data

To access this extensive range of information on air quality in particular cities, simply tap on the AQI card. This feature is not country-specific and will be available once you update the Google app on your Android device.

However, it isn’t new for Google to focus on such climate-based initiatives in regional sections. Meanwhile, Google is aggressively implementing generative AI into its search capabilities, allowing consumers to obtain AI-powered search content overviews. This function is yet not available to the general crowd but users can access it by signing up for it through Google services. 

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Addressing Climate Change

It is during the winters the northern side of India, specifically Delhi NCR region suffers the most from severe air pollution. Winter is a difficult time for inhabitants with low air quality interfering with their everyday lives. Monitoring air quality is critical for outdoor activity planning and public health protection.

AQI card by Google under the Discover tab on both iOS and Android platforms shall make it easy for users to access air quality conditions and then plan accordingly. However, it is not sure yet how accurate the reading would be but it sure is meant to deliver real-time updates. 

Discover by Google now features three small cards sports, weather and finance. The fourth card to be added is the Air Quality (AQI) card, to allows users to monitor local air quality. It is said that the iOS version will deliver more accurate AQI data than the Android version. However, the new feature is set to deliver the AQI level, distance, air quality condition and a colour-coded indicator to indicate the status of air quality. 

Google Weather Baba

This new feature is currently available to a limited number of beta users. However, the addition of the AQI feature to Google’s Discover is a good move toward addressing air quality concerns in polluted areas, particularly during the winter months.

Real-time air quality data on mobile devices will surely be a vital tool aiding customers in making educated decisions about their outdoor activities and focusing more on their health. This function is currently in the early phase, it has the potential to use technology to fight environmental and public health concerns.

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Siddhesh Surve

With a background in Journalism, Siddhesh aims to educate readers on tech news in India. Covering national and global events, he wants his readers to be the first to know what’s new in tech today!